There's no end to revenge.
Pigs like to eat birds' eggs, so birds decide to revenge.
For this, pigs decide to revenge as well.
Pigs give a task to a birdlike pig. They let he sneak into the birds group so that they can destroy the birds group.
Every bird has a ID number (It may not be unique). To let pigs know, the birdlike pig makes the "AND operation" amount all the birds' ID number and sign himself to the answer.
For example:
Birds are signed as 5, 3, 4. So the birdlike pig signs himself as (5 & 3 & 4 = 0).
One day, a group birds pass by pigs' home. So the angry pig want to know whether the birdlike pig is in.
For each case, if you can find the birdlike pig then output the ID of birdlike pig. Or output 'CAUTION: NO BIRDLIKE'.