Carrying the plan, Tianyi and Zhengling start to eat.
They make a "base list" at first. It shows what they will eat.
It's something like that:
~ Breakfast ~ Major : Egg Minor: Sausage Drink :Milk ~ Lunch ~ Major : Rice Minor1:Dongporou Minor2 : Jiangmikourou Drink : Fanqiedantang
And after they reached each place, they will change their list like that:
Breakfast->Drink : Ewe_s_Milk
The command above means changing the drink of breakfast to Ewe'sMilk or adding the drink Ewe'sMilk to breakfast.
Breakfast->Drink : __NULL__
The command above means deleting the drink of breakfast no matter it exists or not.
What's more, Tianyi will ask for quering some food, like:
You should give her a answer. If it not exists, you should output "No such food".
1 ~ Lunch ~ Major : Rice Minor1:Dongporou Minor2 : Jiangmikourou Drink : Fanqiedantang ~ Breakfast ~ Major : Egg Minor: Sausage Drink :Milk ---------- :Breakfast->Drink Breakfast->Drink : Ewe_s_Milk :Breakfast->Drink Breakfast->Drink : __NULL__ :Breakfast->Drink ----------
Milk Ewe_s_Milk No such food