• [F] Frog in land

  • 时间限制: 1000 ms 内存限制: 65535 K
  • 问题描述
  • Frog Wa has many frogs, so he can hear GuaGuaGua every day. But one day a flappy bird ate his frogs, so Frog Wa decided to build a fence to protect his precious frogs. Frog Wa told you four points (x, 0), (x, y), (z, 0), (z, t) which represent for the vertex of the fence. he want to know the area of the fence, can you tell him?
  • 输入
  • The input consist of four integers x, y, z and t. 0 <= x, y, z, t <= 10000, x < z and y < t.
  • 输出
  • For each test case, print the area, numbers should accurate to one decimal places.
  • 样例输入
  • 1 1 2 2 
    0 2 6 6
    0 0 2 10
  • 样例输出
  • 1.5
  • 提示
  • 来源
  • 本站或者转载
  • 操作

A题才是王道的说~ A题什么的最喜欢啦~ 谁A得最多咱就喜欢谁呢~