Days ago, XadillaX made a Block Breaker Game called '神々が恋したスハラナスタ - Secret Garden -'. There's an AVG subsystem.
Here we go, the AVG system needs a script and a script parser.
There're some simplified commands:
1: BG "BG Filename"
2: BGM "BGM Filename"
3: MAID "Maid Name" "Maid Filename" "coordinate x" "coordinate y"
4: TEXT "Text"
5: TALKER "Talker Name"
9: CLEAR-MAID "Maid Name"
10: PSE
(Notice that all the command names are case insensitive, and you should ignore all needless spaces, tabs and line break
but except in text. There may be space, tabs and line break between command and content)
They mean:
1: Set the BG to "BG Filename".
2: Set the BGM to "BGM Filename".
3: Add a maid draw of "Maid Filename" named "Maid Name", and render it to screen on (x, y).
4: Add text "Text".
5: Set talker name to "Talker Name".
6: Clear current text.
7: Stop current BGM.
8: Clear current talker.
9: Remove the maid draw named "Maid Name".
10: Pause. That means all the command above will be executing serial and display the result, and here you need to click your mouse to continue next command.
(Notice there're only letters, numbers and cnventional punctuation in all filenames and maid names. The coordinate numbers are integers in the range of 0 and 800. There're no line breaker in text and talker name.)
You should simulate the AVG system and output every status.
Each status should be outputted like that:
[Status Num]
Talker: Talker name OR NULL
Text: Text OR NULL
Maid: Maid number
Maid 1: Maid name - Filename - (x, y)
Maid 2: Maid name - Filename - (x, y)
Maid n: Maid name - Filename - (x, y)
BG: BG Filename
BGM: BGM Filename